Become A Reviewer
Thanks for your interest in becoming a reviewer of UberChic Beauty! While we would love to grant reviewing privileges to everyone - we get loads of requests for those looking to review so, unfortunately, we have to be a little picky.
Some things we look for are: quality of photos (lighting, poses, etc), variety (we like to see creativity!), amount of press (how many posts/reviews/etc we can expect per plate), amount of coverage (how many outlets do you cover: blog, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, etc), amount of followers or views on those outlets, country or region you cover - please provide any and all links and insight you can think of that would help.
What happens next? After you submit all your information to us - do not worry! We review and gather each one into a spreadsheet and keep each submission we get on file. While we are currently full, we do have openings from time to time and will definitely be in touch if we think you would be a good fit.